Mr. Hanna Social Studies

Welcome to Mr. Hanna's Social Studies web page. Please use this page to keep current with goings on in this class.

Thursday, August 9:

SS7: Classroom Expectations & Procedures. Get your copy HERE.

Sociology: Classroom Expectations & Procedures. Get your copy HERE.

Friday, August 10:

SS7: "Getting to Know You" activity.

Sociology: "Getting to Know You" activity.

Monday, August 20:

SS7: Grade homework together. Turn in 5 Themes of Geography Story. Complete Core Concepts 2.1 Notes together. Watch CNN10.

Note Sheet

Note Slides

Sociology: Finish posters. Begin 1-2 notes (note slides included under Monday, August 13).

Note Sheet

Tuesday, August 21:

SS7: Discuss Core Concepts 2.2, 2.3 together. View video Clips. Assignment: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Question Sheet.

Seasons Clip

Layers of Earth Clip

Time Zones Clip

Sociology: Finish 1-2 notes and watch clips on early Sociologists. Assignment: 1-2 Guided Reading Sheet.

Wednesday, August 22:

SS7: Grade Core Concepts sheet together. Discuss 2.4, 2.5 notes together and complete the sheet. Watch CNN10.

2.4, 2.5 Note Sheet

Note Slides

Sociology: Begin Chapter 1, Section 3. Take notes. Discuss Major Theoretical Perspectives.

1-3 Note Sheet

Note Slides (Fast Forward to Section 3).

Thursday, August 23:

SS7: Finish 2.4, 2.5 notes. Watch "Grand Canyon: How It Was Made" and answer questions on distributed sheet. Sheet is due tomorrow.

Movie Link

Question Sheet

Sociology: Finish 1-3 notes and discussion. Assignment: 1-3 Guided Reading Sheet.

Friday, August 24:

SS7: Finish, grade, and discuss "Grand Canyon: How It Was Made" question sheet.

Assign "Core Concepts 2.4, 2.5 - Question Sheet."

Sociology: Begin 1-4 (Conducting Sociological Research) notes and discuss. Take part in sample experiment. No assignment.

1-4 notes

1-4 note slides (scroll down to Section 4)

Monday, August 27:

SS7: Grade homework sheet together. Fill in 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 Notes during discussion together.

Notes Slide Show

Note Sheet

Sociology: Stanford Prison Experiment question sheet with Slide Show.

Question Sheet

Tuesday, August 28:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Discuss and fill out 3.3 Note Sheet. Assignment: Core Concepts 3.1-3.4 Question Sheet.

Sociology: Discuss Stanford Prison Experiment together. Begin working on "Conducting an Interview."

Wednesday, August 29:

SS7: Grade homework sheet together. Work with a partner to complete "Climate Zone Chart." This is not homework...students will finish charts tomorrow, in class, with their partner.

Sociology: Continue "Conducting an Interview" activity. Due by end of period.

Thursday, August 30:

SS7: Watch short movie clip on World Climate Zones. Finish working on chart with your partner. Go through chart together. No assignment.

Sociology: Finish "Conducting and Interview" activity and work on study guide for quiz.

Friday, August 31:

SS7: Discuss and fill out Unit 4 notes together. Assignment: Core Concepts 4.1-4.3 Question Sheet. Watch CNN10 if time.

Notes Slide Show

Note Sheet

Sociology: Chapter 1 Quiz

Monday, September 3: No School (Labor Day)

Tuesday, September 4:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework assignment together. Watch 2 short clips on Fossil Fuels and Solar Energy. Begin work on the Core Concepts 1-4 Study Guide. This will be due, and will need to be checked, by the end of class tomorrow.

Fossil Fuels Clip

Solar Energy Clip

Sociology: Begin Chapter 2. Nacirema article. Complete 2-1 notes. Assignment: 2-1 Guided Reading.

Chapter 2 Slide Show

Wednesday, September 5:

SS7: Study Guide work time. Due by end of period.

Study Guide Key

Sociology: Turn in homework. Complete 2-2 notes. Assignment: 2-2 Guided Reading.

Thursday, September 6:

SS7: Review Game for test (Kahoot!). Watch CNN10. Test tomorrow!

Sociology: Finish and turn in Guided Reading 2-2. Assign small groups and begin to plan project.

Friday, September 7:

SS7: Core Concepts 1-4 TEST.

Sociology: Country Culture project work.

Monday, September 24:

SS7: Watch movie clip about types of economies and government. Split into groups and answer discussion questions. No assignment. Test Thursday.

Sociology: Begin "The Truman Show" with question sheet.

Tuesday, September 25:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Go through discussion questions together. Begin work on Core Concepts 5-8 Study Guide.

Sociology: Continue "The Truman Show" and the corresponding question sheet.

Wednesday, September 26:

SS7: Finish working on the study guide, have it checked, and make corrections. Study Guide Key

Sociology: Finish "The Truman Show" and corresponding questions. Discuss questions. Return Guided Reading worksheets.

Thursday, September 27:

SS7: Play Kahoot! review game.

Sociology: Complete Chapter 4 Study Guide in class.

Friday, September 28:

SS7: Core Concepts 5-8 Test

Sociology: Resource Period (most students will be in convocation).

Monday, October 8:

SS7: Grade homework together and discuss. Watch individual movie clips about West African countries and take notes.

Note Sheet


Sociology: Turn in 7-2 Guided Reading. Complete 7-3 Notes in class. Assignment: 7-3 Guided Reading.

Tuesday, October 9:

SS7: Use the text to fill in the 1-3 Note Sheet. Discuss and check notes together. No assignment.

Note Slides (Slides 20-29)

Sociology: Watch movie clip on crime and corrections. Finish 7-3 Guided Reading. Assignment: Deviance Article and questions.

Wednesday, October 10:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Assignment: 1-3 Question Sheet. Work time. Review African countries on Sheppard Software.

Sociology: Begin the Shawshank Redemption with question sheet.

Thursday, October 11:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Review African countries on Sheppard Software. No Assignment.

Sociology: Continue "The Shawshank Redemption" with question sheet.

Friday, October 12: FALL BREAK - No School

Monday, October 15: FALL BREAK - No School

Tuesday, October 16:

SS7: West-Central Africa Study Guide. Work time. Due tomorrow.

Sociology: Continue "The Shawshank Redemption."

Wednesday, October 17:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Return Study Guides, check and correct. Study West-Central African countries. Test tomorrow!

Sociology: Finish "The Shawshank Redemption" with time to complete question sheet.

Thursday, October 18:

SS7: Chapter 1 Test.

Sociology: Begin 8-1 notes "Systems of Stratification." Rating Prestige Activity.

Friday, October 19:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade Chapter 1 Test together. Begin 2-1 notes.

Chapter 2 Note Slides

Sociology: Finish Rating Prestige Activity and 8-1 notes. Assignment: 8-1 Guided Reading.

Monday, November 12:

SS7: Finish 3-2 notes together. Assignment: 3-2 Guided Reading.

Sociology: Finish 9-2 notes together. Assignment: 9-2 Guided Reading.

Tuesday, November 13:

SS7: Grade homework together. Watch "Pyramid" by David Macaulay and answer questions.

Movie Link

Movie Questions

Sociology: Begin 9-3 notes. Assignment: 9-3 Guided Reading.

Wednesday, November 14:

SS7: Finish "Pyramid" movie and questions. Go through 3-3 notes together.

Sociology: Finish 9-3 Guided Reading. Begin "Introducing the Americans" project.

Thursday, November 15:


Friday, November 16:

SS7: Finish 3-3 notes with movie clips. Assignment: 3-3 Guided Reading.

Sociology: Begin "Introducing the Americans" project work.

Monday, November 19:

SS7: Grade homework together. Assignment: Chapter 3 Study Guide. Due before the end of the period tomorrow.

Sociology: Group project work.

Tuesday, November 20:

SS7: Finish study guide. Get it checked. Check your answers with key. Review African countries with

Sociology: Last day of group project work. Be ready to present on Monday.

Wednesday, November 21 - Friday, November 23: Thanksgiving Break.

Monday, November 26:

SS7: Play Kahoot! Review countries of Africa.

Sociology: Begin project presentations.

Tuesday, November 27:

SS7: Chapter 3 Test

Sociology: Continue Presentations

Wednesday, November 28:

SS7: Grade Chapter 3 Tests together.

Assignment: Southwest Asia Map.

Sociology: Continue presentations. Begin 13-1 notes.

Chapter 13 Note Slides

Thursday, November 29:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Begin Chapters 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas notes.

Chapter 4, 5, 6 note slides.

Sociology: Continue 13-1 notes.

Friday, November 30:

SS7: Continue Chapter 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas notes. No Assignment.

Sociology: Finish 13-1 notes. Assignment: 13-1 Guided Reading.

Monday, December 3:

SS7: Finish Chapter 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas notes. Assignment: Chapters 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas questions

Sociology: Begin 13-2 notes.

Tuesday, December 4:

SS7: (Half of the 7th grade is on English field trip) Watch CNN 10. Go through 4-2 notes together. Assignment: 4-2 Guided Reading.

Sociology: Continue 13-2 notes.

Wednesday, December 5

SS7: (Other half of the 7th grade is on English field trip) Watch CNN10. Go through 4-2 notes together. Assignment: 4-2 Guided Reading.

Sociology: Finish 13-2 notes.

Thursday, December 6:

SS7: Grade homework together. Go through 5-2 notes as a class. No assignment.

Slides (27-35)

Sociology: Finally finish 13-2 notes. Assignment: 13-2 Guided Reading.

Friday, December 7:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Finish notes together. Assignment: 5-2 Question Sheet.

Sociology: Political Cartoon (topic: satirize an issue in American education).

Monday, December 10:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Go through 6-2 notes together.

Notes Slides

Sociology: Begin 13-3 notes.

Tuesday, December 11:

SS7: Watch Geography Now! Assignment: 6-2 Question Sheet.

Sociology: Assignment: 13-3 Guided Reading (Due in class).

Wednesday, December 12:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Go through Chapter 4, 5 and 6 (Section 3 of each) Notes. No Assignment.

Note Slides

Sociology: Complete 13-4 notes together.

Thursday, Decemeber 13:

SS7: Finish 4, 5, 6 (Section 3) notes.

Sociology: Finish 13-4 notes. Assignment: 13-4 Guided Reading.

Friday, December 14:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Assignment: Chapters 4, 5, and 6 (Section 3 of each) Question Sheet.

Sociology: Begin Final Exam Study Guide. *Due before the exam on Tuesday*

Monday, December 17:

SS7: Grade homework together. Begin work on Chapter 4, 5, and 6 (The Middle East) Study Guide. *Due before the end of class on Tuesday*

Sociology: Finish Study Guide (if not already). Play Kahoot!

Tuesday, December 18:

SS7: Finish Study Guide. Get it checked by Mr. Hanna. Check Study Guide answers with KEY.

Sociology: Semester 1 Final Exam.

Wednesday, December 19:

SS7: Play Kahoot! to review for test.

Thursday, December 20:

SS7: Chapter 4, 5, 6 Test (The Middle East)

Friday, December 21:

SS7: Grade tests together. Play Geoguessr.

Monday, January 21: No School (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Tuesday, January 22:

SS7: Project Work Time. Due Thursday 1/24.

Sociology: Begin 1-4 (Conducting Sociological Research) notes and discuss. Take part in sample experiment. No assignment.

1-4 notes

1-4 note slides (scroll down to Section 4)

Wednesday, January 23:

SS7: Last Project Work Day. Due tomorrow.

Sociology: Stanford Prison Experiment question sheet with Slide Show.

Question Sheet

Thursday, January 24:

SS7: Begin Central Asia & Caucasus Countries Presentations

Sociology: Discuss Stanford Prison Experiment together. Begin working on "Conducting an Interview."

Friday, January 25:

SS7: Finish Central Asia & Caucasus Countries Presentations

Sociology: Finish "Conducting and Interview" assignment.

Monday, February 11:

SS7: Continue "Gandhi."

Sociology: Project Presentations.

Tuesday, February 12:

SS7: Finish "Gandhi" and corresponding questions. Due tomorrow.

Sociology: Finish final three presentations. Begin Chapter 4: "Socializing the Individual." Begin 4-1 notes.

4-1 Note Sheet

Chapter 4 Note Slides

Wednesday, February 13:

SS7: Turn in Gandhi Movie question sheet. Begin South Asia Today Notes. Complete "Population Science" reading with group and answer questions.



Sociology: Finish 4-1 notes together.

Thursday, February 14:

SS7: Go through "Population Science" questions together. Watch "Geography Now!: Nepal." Assignment: South Asia Today Question Sheet.

Sociology: Complete 4-1 Guided Reading. in class. Begin 4-2 notes and discuss.

Friday, February 15:

SS7: Grade homework together. Watch Geography Now!: Nepal. Assignment: Page 414: #1-11.

Sociology: Finish 4-2 notes. Assignment: 4-2 Guided Reading.

Monday, February 18:

SS7: Grade homework together. Begin South Asia study guide.

Sociology: Go through 4-3 notes together. Assignment: 4-3 Guided Reading.

Tuesday, February 19:

SS7: Finish Study Guide, get it checked, check/correct answers. Study countries.

Sociology: Turn in 4-3 Guided Reading. Assignment: "The Socialization of YOU."

Wednesday, February 20 (*2-Hour Delay):

SS7: Play Kahoot!

Sociology: Discuss "The Socialization of YOU" sheet together.

Thursday, February 21:

SS7: South Asia Test.

Sociology: Finish discussion. Begin "The Truman Show."

Friday, February 22:

SS7: Grade tests together. Work on map of China and Its Neighbors.

Sociology: Continue "The Truman Show."

March 11-15: SPRING BREAK

Monday, April 22: ***NO SCHOOL: Built-in Snow Day***

Tuesday, April 23:

SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Watch "Geography Now: New Zealand." Begin Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes.

Sociology: Begin "Introducing the Americans" project. Decide on groups, explain and start working.

Wednesday, April 24:


  • Period 3: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Watch "Geography Now: New Zealand." Begin Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes.
  • Period 8: Watch "Australia: Land Beyond Time."
  • Period 2, 6, 7: I-Learn Testing.

Sociology: Project work time.

Thursday, April 25:


  • Period 2, 6, 7, 8: Complete Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes together. No Assignment.
  • Period 3: I - Learn Testing.

Sociology: Project work time.

Friday, April 26:


  • Period 3: Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes.
  • Periods 6, 7: "Watch "Australia: Land Beyond Time."
  • Period 8: TBA

Sociology: Final day of project work time. Presentations begin Monday.

Monday, May 6:

SS7: **SE Asia, Australia & the Pacific TEST**

Sociology: Continue 13-2 Notes together.

Tuesday, May 7:

SS7: Lesson and questions with Mr. Ambrose's classes.

Sociology: Continue 13-2 notes. "Issues in American Education."

Wednesday, May 8:

SS7: Grade tests together. Introduce Dream Vacation Project

Sociology: Finish 13-2 notes. Assignment: 13-2 Guided Reading.

Thursday, May 9:

SS7: Project Work Day #1.

Sociology: Finish 13-2 Guided Reading. Begin 13-3 notes.

Friday, May 10:

SS7: Project Work Day #2

Sociology: Finish 13-3 Notes. Assignment: 13-3 Guided Reading.

Monday, May 13:

SS7: Project Work Day #3

Sociology: Begin 13-4 notes.

Tuesday, May 14:

SS7: Project Work Day #4

Sociology: Finish 13-4 notes. Assignment: 13-4 Guided Reading

Wednesday, May 15:

SS7: Project Work Day #5

Sociology: Final Exam Study Guide...due before exam on Friday.

Thursday, May 16:

SS7: Final Project Work Day.

Sociology: Study Guide work day.

Friday, May 17:

SS7: Presentations begin.

Sociology: Final Exam.