What is Sociology Guided Reading Section 2 Continued
Mr. Hanna Social Studies
Welcome to Mr. Hanna's Social Studies web page. Please use this page to keep current with goings on in this class.
Welcome to Mr. Hanna's Social Studies web page. Please use this page to keep current with goings on in this class.
Thursday, August 9:
SS7: Classroom Expectations & Procedures. Get your copy HERE.
Sociology: Classroom Expectations & Procedures. Get your copy HERE.
Friday, August 10:
SS7: "Getting to Know You" activity.
Sociology: "Getting to Know You" activity.
Monday, August 20:
SS7: Grade homework together. Turn in 5 Themes of Geography Story. Complete Core Concepts 2.1 Notes together. Watch CNN10.
Note Sheet
Note Slides
Sociology: Finish posters. Begin 1-2 notes (note slides included under Monday, August 13).
Note Sheet
Tuesday, August 21:
SS7: Discuss Core Concepts 2.2, 2.3 together. View video Clips. Assignment: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Question Sheet.
Seasons Clip
Layers of Earth Clip
Time Zones Clip
Sociology: Finish 1-2 notes and watch clips on early Sociologists. Assignment: 1-2 Guided Reading Sheet.
Wednesday, August 22:
SS7: Grade Core Concepts sheet together. Discuss 2.4, 2.5 notes together and complete the sheet. Watch CNN10.
2.4, 2.5 Note Sheet
Note Slides
Sociology: Begin Chapter 1, Section 3. Take notes. Discuss Major Theoretical Perspectives.
1-3 Note Sheet
Note Slides (Fast Forward to Section 3).
Thursday, August 23:
SS7: Finish 2.4, 2.5 notes. Watch "Grand Canyon: How It Was Made" and answer questions on distributed sheet. Sheet is due tomorrow.
Movie Link
Question Sheet
Sociology: Finish 1-3 notes and discussion. Assignment: 1-3 Guided Reading Sheet.
Friday, August 24:
SS7: Finish, grade, and discuss "Grand Canyon: How It Was Made" question sheet.
Assign "Core Concepts 2.4, 2.5 - Question Sheet."
Sociology: Begin 1-4 (Conducting Sociological Research) notes and discuss. Take part in sample experiment. No assignment.
1-4 notes
1-4 note slides (scroll down to Section 4)
Monday, August 27:
SS7: Grade homework sheet together. Fill in 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 Notes during discussion together.
Notes Slide Show
Note Sheet
Sociology: Stanford Prison Experiment question sheet with Slide Show.
Question Sheet
Tuesday, August 28:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Discuss and fill out 3.3 Note Sheet. Assignment: Core Concepts 3.1-3.4 Question Sheet.
Sociology: Discuss Stanford Prison Experiment together. Begin working on "Conducting an Interview."
Wednesday, August 29:
SS7: Grade homework sheet together. Work with a partner to complete "Climate Zone Chart." This is not homework...students will finish charts tomorrow, in class, with their partner.
Sociology: Continue "Conducting an Interview" activity. Due by end of period.
Thursday, August 30:
SS7: Watch short movie clip on World Climate Zones. Finish working on chart with your partner. Go through chart together. No assignment.
Sociology: Finish "Conducting and Interview" activity and work on study guide for quiz.
Friday, August 31:
SS7: Discuss and fill out Unit 4 notes together. Assignment: Core Concepts 4.1-4.3 Question Sheet. Watch CNN10 if time.
Notes Slide Show
Note Sheet
Sociology: Chapter 1 Quiz
Monday, September 3: No School (Labor Day)
Tuesday, September 4:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework assignment together. Watch 2 short clips on Fossil Fuels and Solar Energy. Begin work on the Core Concepts 1-4 Study Guide. This will be due, and will need to be checked, by the end of class tomorrow.
Fossil Fuels Clip
Solar Energy Clip
Sociology: Begin Chapter 2. Nacirema article. Complete 2-1 notes. Assignment: 2-1 Guided Reading.
Chapter 2 Slide Show
Wednesday, September 5:
SS7: Study Guide work time. Due by end of period.
Study Guide Key
Sociology: Turn in homework. Complete 2-2 notes. Assignment: 2-2 Guided Reading.
Thursday, September 6:
SS7: Review Game for test (Kahoot!). Watch CNN10. Test tomorrow!
Sociology: Finish and turn in Guided Reading 2-2. Assign small groups and begin to plan project.
Friday, September 7:
SS7: Core Concepts 1-4 TEST.
Sociology: Country Culture project work.
Monday, September 24:
SS7: Watch movie clip about types of economies and government. Split into groups and answer discussion questions. No assignment. Test Thursday.
Sociology: Begin "The Truman Show" with question sheet.
Tuesday, September 25:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Go through discussion questions together. Begin work on Core Concepts 5-8 Study Guide.
Sociology: Continue "The Truman Show" and the corresponding question sheet.
Wednesday, September 26:
SS7: Finish working on the study guide, have it checked, and make corrections. Study Guide Key
Sociology: Finish "The Truman Show" and corresponding questions. Discuss questions. Return Guided Reading worksheets.
Thursday, September 27:
SS7: Play Kahoot! review game.
Sociology: Complete Chapter 4 Study Guide in class.
Friday, September 28:
SS7: Core Concepts 5-8 Test
Sociology: Resource Period (most students will be in convocation).
Monday, October 8:
SS7: Grade homework together and discuss. Watch individual movie clips about West African countries and take notes.
Note Sheet
Sociology: Turn in 7-2 Guided Reading. Complete 7-3 Notes in class. Assignment: 7-3 Guided Reading.
Tuesday, October 9:
SS7: Use the text to fill in the 1-3 Note Sheet. Discuss and check notes together. No assignment.
Note Slides (Slides 20-29)
Sociology: Watch movie clip on crime and corrections. Finish 7-3 Guided Reading. Assignment: Deviance Article and questions.
Wednesday, October 10:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Assignment: 1-3 Question Sheet. Work time. Review African countries on Sheppard Software.
Sociology: Begin the Shawshank Redemption with question sheet.
Thursday, October 11:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Review African countries on Sheppard Software. No Assignment.
Sociology: Continue "The Shawshank Redemption" with question sheet.
Friday, October 12: FALL BREAK - No School
Monday, October 15: FALL BREAK - No School
Tuesday, October 16:
SS7: West-Central Africa Study Guide. Work time. Due tomorrow.
Sociology: Continue "The Shawshank Redemption."
Wednesday, October 17:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Return Study Guides, check and correct. Study West-Central African countries. Test tomorrow!
Sociology: Finish "The Shawshank Redemption" with time to complete question sheet.
Thursday, October 18:
SS7: Chapter 1 Test.
Sociology: Begin 8-1 notes "Systems of Stratification." Rating Prestige Activity.
Friday, October 19:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade Chapter 1 Test together. Begin 2-1 notes.
Chapter 2 Note Slides
Sociology: Finish Rating Prestige Activity and 8-1 notes. Assignment: 8-1 Guided Reading.
Monday, November 12:
SS7: Finish 3-2 notes together. Assignment: 3-2 Guided Reading.
Sociology: Finish 9-2 notes together. Assignment: 9-2 Guided Reading.
Tuesday, November 13:
SS7: Grade homework together. Watch "Pyramid" by David Macaulay and answer questions.
Movie Link
Movie Questions
Sociology: Begin 9-3 notes. Assignment: 9-3 Guided Reading.
Wednesday, November 14:
SS7: Finish "Pyramid" movie and questions. Go through 3-3 notes together.
Sociology: Finish 9-3 Guided Reading. Begin "Introducing the Americans" project.
Thursday, November 15:
Friday, November 16:
SS7: Finish 3-3 notes with movie clips. Assignment: 3-3 Guided Reading.
Sociology: Begin "Introducing the Americans" project work.
Monday, November 19:
SS7: Grade homework together. Assignment: Chapter 3 Study Guide. Due before the end of the period tomorrow.
Sociology: Group project work.
Tuesday, November 20:
SS7: Finish study guide. Get it checked. Check your answers with key. Review African countries with sheppardsoftware.com
Sociology: Last day of group project work. Be ready to present on Monday.
Wednesday, November 21 - Friday, November 23: Thanksgiving Break.
Monday, November 26:
SS7: Play Kahoot! Review countries of Africa.
Sociology: Begin project presentations.
Tuesday, November 27:
SS7: Chapter 3 Test
Sociology: Continue Presentations
Wednesday, November 28:
SS7: Grade Chapter 3 Tests together.
Assignment: Southwest Asia Map.
Sociology: Continue presentations. Begin 13-1 notes.
Chapter 13 Note Slides
Thursday, November 29:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Begin Chapters 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas notes.
Chapter 4, 5, 6 note slides.
Sociology: Continue 13-1 notes.
Friday, November 30:
SS7: Continue Chapter 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas notes. No Assignment.
Sociology: Finish 13-1 notes. Assignment: 13-1 Guided Reading.
Monday, December 3:
SS7: Finish Chapter 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas notes. Assignment: Chapters 4, 5, 6 Chapter Atlas questions
Sociology: Begin 13-2 notes.
Tuesday, December 4:
SS7: (Half of the 7th grade is on English field trip) Watch CNN 10. Go through 4-2 notes together. Assignment: 4-2 Guided Reading.
Sociology: Continue 13-2 notes.
Wednesday, December 5
SS7: (Other half of the 7th grade is on English field trip) Watch CNN10. Go through 4-2 notes together. Assignment: 4-2 Guided Reading.
Sociology: Finish 13-2 notes.
Thursday, December 6:
SS7: Grade homework together. Go through 5-2 notes as a class. No assignment.
Slides (27-35)
Sociology: Finally finish 13-2 notes. Assignment: 13-2 Guided Reading.
Friday, December 7:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Finish notes together. Assignment: 5-2 Question Sheet.
Sociology: Political Cartoon (topic: satirize an issue in American education).
Monday, December 10:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Go through 6-2 notes together.
Notes Slides
Sociology: Begin 13-3 notes.
Tuesday, December 11:
SS7: Watch Geography Now! Assignment: 6-2 Question Sheet.
Sociology: Assignment: 13-3 Guided Reading (Due in class).
Wednesday, December 12:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Go through Chapter 4, 5 and 6 (Section 3 of each) Notes. No Assignment.
Note Slides
Sociology: Complete 13-4 notes together.
Thursday, Decemeber 13:
SS7: Finish 4, 5, 6 (Section 3) notes.
Sociology: Finish 13-4 notes. Assignment: 13-4 Guided Reading.
Friday, December 14:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Assignment: Chapters 4, 5, and 6 (Section 3 of each) Question Sheet.
Sociology: Begin Final Exam Study Guide. *Due before the exam on Tuesday*
Monday, December 17:
SS7: Grade homework together. Begin work on Chapter 4, 5, and 6 (The Middle East) Study Guide. *Due before the end of class on Tuesday*
Sociology: Finish Study Guide (if not already). Play Kahoot!
Tuesday, December 18:
SS7: Finish Study Guide. Get it checked by Mr. Hanna. Check Study Guide answers with KEY.
Sociology: Semester 1 Final Exam.
Wednesday, December 19:
SS7: Play Kahoot! to review for test.
Thursday, December 20:
SS7: Chapter 4, 5, 6 Test (The Middle East)
Friday, December 21:
SS7: Grade tests together. Play Geoguessr.
Monday, January 21: No School (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Tuesday, January 22:
SS7: Project Work Time. Due Thursday 1/24.
Sociology: Begin 1-4 (Conducting Sociological Research) notes and discuss. Take part in sample experiment. No assignment.
1-4 notes
1-4 note slides (scroll down to Section 4)
Wednesday, January 23:
SS7: Last Project Work Day. Due tomorrow.
Sociology: Stanford Prison Experiment question sheet with Slide Show.
Question Sheet
Thursday, January 24:
SS7: Begin Central Asia & Caucasus Countries Presentations
Sociology: Discuss Stanford Prison Experiment together. Begin working on "Conducting an Interview."
Friday, January 25:
SS7: Finish Central Asia & Caucasus Countries Presentations
Sociology: Finish "Conducting and Interview" assignment.
Monday, February 11:
SS7: Continue "Gandhi."
Sociology: Project Presentations.
Tuesday, February 12:
SS7: Finish "Gandhi" and corresponding questions. Due tomorrow.
Sociology: Finish final three presentations. Begin Chapter 4: "Socializing the Individual." Begin 4-1 notes.
4-1 Note Sheet
Chapter 4 Note Slides
Wednesday, February 13:
SS7: Turn in Gandhi Movie question sheet. Begin South Asia Today Notes. Complete "Population Science" reading with group and answer questions.
Sociology: Finish 4-1 notes together.
Thursday, February 14:
SS7: Go through "Population Science" questions together. Watch "Geography Now!: Nepal." Assignment: South Asia Today Question Sheet.
Sociology: Complete 4-1 Guided Reading. in class. Begin 4-2 notes and discuss.
Friday, February 15:
SS7: Grade homework together. Watch Geography Now!: Nepal. Assignment: Page 414: #1-11.
Sociology: Finish 4-2 notes. Assignment: 4-2 Guided Reading.
Monday, February 18:
SS7: Grade homework together. Begin South Asia study guide.
Sociology: Go through 4-3 notes together. Assignment: 4-3 Guided Reading.
Tuesday, February 19:
SS7: Finish Study Guide, get it checked, check/correct answers. Study countries.
Sociology: Turn in 4-3 Guided Reading. Assignment: "The Socialization of YOU."
Wednesday, February 20 (*2-Hour Delay):
SS7: Play Kahoot!
Sociology: Discuss "The Socialization of YOU" sheet together.
Thursday, February 21:
SS7: South Asia Test.
Sociology: Finish discussion. Begin "The Truman Show."
Friday, February 22:
SS7: Grade tests together. Work on map of China and Its Neighbors.
Sociology: Continue "The Truman Show."
March 11-15: SPRING BREAK
Monday, April 22: ***NO SCHOOL: Built-in Snow Day***
Tuesday, April 23:
SS7: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Watch "Geography Now: New Zealand." Begin Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes.
Sociology: Begin "Introducing the Americans" project. Decide on groups, explain and start working.
Wednesday, April 24:
- Period 3: Watch CNN10. Grade homework together. Watch "Geography Now: New Zealand." Begin Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes.
- Period 8: Watch "Australia: Land Beyond Time."
- Period 2, 6, 7: I-Learn Testing.
Sociology: Project work time.
Thursday, April 25:
- Period 2, 6, 7, 8: Complete Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes together. No Assignment.
- Period 3: I - Learn Testing.
Sociology: Project work time.
Friday, April 26:
- Period 3: Australia and the Pacific History and Today notes.
- Periods 6, 7: "Watch "Australia: Land Beyond Time."
- Period 8: TBA
Sociology: Final day of project work time. Presentations begin Monday.
Monday, May 6:
SS7: **SE Asia, Australia & the Pacific TEST**
Sociology: Continue 13-2 Notes together.
Tuesday, May 7:
SS7: Lesson and questions with Mr. Ambrose's classes.
Sociology: Continue 13-2 notes. "Issues in American Education."
Wednesday, May 8:
SS7: Grade tests together. Introduce Dream Vacation Project
Sociology: Finish 13-2 notes. Assignment: 13-2 Guided Reading.
Thursday, May 9:
SS7: Project Work Day #1.
Sociology: Finish 13-2 Guided Reading. Begin 13-3 notes.
Friday, May 10:
SS7: Project Work Day #2
Sociology: Finish 13-3 Notes. Assignment: 13-3 Guided Reading.
Monday, May 13:
SS7: Project Work Day #3
Sociology: Begin 13-4 notes.
Tuesday, May 14:
SS7: Project Work Day #4
Sociology: Finish 13-4 notes. Assignment: 13-4 Guided Reading
Wednesday, May 15:
SS7: Project Work Day #5
Sociology: Final Exam Study Guide...due before exam on Friday.
Thursday, May 16:
SS7: Final Project Work Day.
Sociology: Study Guide work day.
Friday, May 17:
SS7: Presentations begin.
Sociology: Final Exam.
Source: https://sites.google.com/wl.k12.in.us/mr-hanna-social-studies