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Theresa May Is Wanting to Make Fox Hunting Legal Again Meme Theresa Maypositive Meme

Labour's 2017 manifesto is a futurity-facing, optimistic and transformative plan for Britain and our commitments on animal welfare represent this in every way.

Our vision is clear: for the Uk to pb the world with high animal welfare standards in the wild, in farming and for domestic animals. Labour's polices do more than attempt to defend the status quo, they actively bulldoze progress in this area.

New policies in the Labour manifesto include increased sentencing for the near serious of beast welfare crimes, a ban on third political party auction of puppies, promoting cruelty-gratuitous animal husbandry and consulting on means to ensure ameliorate enforcement of agreed standards.

We as well stand by a ban on ivory trading and the employ of wild animals in circuses besides as opposing the annoy cull and whatsoever return to hunting with hounds.

It is right that policy on brute rights improves and progresses as we empathize more than well-nigh the bear on of poor animal welfare standards on our fragile ecosystems, our nutrient concatenation and the extent to which animals experience suffering and pain.

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Yet at the same fourth dimension that Labour are driving progress in improving beast welfare, the Conservatives, every bit with so many policy areas, want to drag usa back to the dark ages and disengage difficult won progress.

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The 2017 Conservative manifesto quietly scrapped a pledge by one-time Prime Minister David Cameron to "press for a full ban on ivory sales" in the U.k..

Following Theresa May'due south admission that she personally supports a return to hunting with hounds, her manifesto confirmed the promise to resurrect the issue once more – wasting parliamentary time, revenue enhancement payer money and most importantly, undoing progress and mutual sense on this consequence. The British public go it. In fact, 84 per cent of people back up the ban. Its inhumane, ineffective and unpopular.

Then why does Theresa May care so much about bringing dorsum fox hunting?

Firstly the Conservatives merits that it is a humane and effective way to control pest populations. Nosotros know that this only isn't true. The 2000 Lord Burns study ended that the "overall contribution of traditional fox hunting, within the overall total of command techniques involving dogs, is near certainly insignificant in terms of the management of the fox population as a whole".

Secondly they merits that fox hunting is intrinsic to rural traditions and rural economies. But this is just a smoke screen for Conservative failure and neglect of rural communities.

The truth is that rural poverty continues to be a meaning, underreported problem, while rural send infrastructure, broadband connectivity and housing are all serious concerns that take been swept nether the carpet by this Conservative government.

A recent report by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Public Health England (PHE) found that there is "real hardship" in rural communities and that they are being "neglected" with increasing digital exclusion and a breakdown in social networks and ship links. Information technology is aught brusk of an insult that the Conservatives use the repeal of the hunting ban to claim that they are representing the interests and real concerns of rural communities like mine in Cumbria.

Labour is extremely proud to have introduced the hunting ban and I am proud that now more than ever we are standing steadfast to the ban too equally to our commitment of progressing animal welfare standards.

Turning back the clock on hard-won progress is the overarching theme of the Conservative manifesto and this is particularly truthful on animal welfare.

The choice this election couldn't be more of a contrast.

A Conservative political party who simply does not consider animal welfare to be a serious issue and that uses fox hunting equally a smokescreen for their complete failure and fail of our rural communities or a forward-looking Labour authorities committed not simply to defending current animal welfare standards, merely with the vision and commitment to raise and progress them.

Sue Hayman is the shadow secretary for the Section for Surroundings, Food and Rural Diplomacy.
