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Buy a Christmas Tree Decoration Service

What Do Tree Service Businesses Do?

Tree service companies take care of problems related to trees in urban, rural and forest settings. Both tree service technicians and certified arborists perform work on trees. Here's more information on the jobs that tree service businesses do.

Tree Service Companies Are Often Specialized

Some tree service businesses focus on one or two aspects of tree care, while other tree service companies perform a full range of tree-related services. Many tree service companies take down and remove dead, dying and hazardous trees from your landscaping. Using safe climbing techniques or lift trucks, tree service technicians also prune limbs and shape trees to be more aesthetically pleasing. Trees may also be trimmed or thinned by the tree service to let more sunlight onto a property or the plants below the tree.

Tree Service Companies Help Protect People and Property

Tree service businesses solve problems due to overhanging limbs and tree-root invasions of sidewalks, driveways and septic tanks. Overhanging limbs can damage roofs, provide access to structures for invading pests and seriously harm people and pets if the limbs fall. Overhanging limbs can also interfere with electrical and other utility lines during storms. Using chainsaws and other power equipment, tree service businesses safely remove hazardous limbs from trees to eliminate risks to people and property.

Tree service companies also brace large limbs on trees that have been damaged during storms. Tree technicians use cables and braces to stabilize newly planted and established trees as well. Some tree care businesses provide landscape care. They fertilize and shape shrubs and other small landscape plants. Many can even evaluate and treat tree diseases and pest infestations.

Tree Service Businesses Often Employ Certified Arborists

While tree technicians are trained in the techniques to properly trim, prune and fell trees, they don't have the advanced horticultural training that arborists have. For this reason, some tree services are owned by or staffed with certified arborists. A certified arborist has undergone intense study of subjects that might include forest management, tree diseases, tree nutritional needs and tree pests.

If you have a tree that's been damaged by a neighbor or a car collision, an arborist can determine a replacement value for the tree. Your insurance company or the courts may require you to hire an arborist to provide accurate information about tree-related disputes.

Choose Tree Service Businesses Based on Your Needs

You don't necessarily need a certified arborist to trim or remove trees in your landscape. Most qualified tree care companies can perform tree-trimming and tree-removal tasks safely and efficiently, even if the company doesn't have a qualified arborist on staff. If you need to have trees evaluated regarding diseases, pests and nutritional needs, it's best to call a company with a certified arborist on staff. Arborists are trained to apply fertilizers and substances that prevent and treat tree illnesses.

Tree Care Businesses Sell Wood

Some tree care companies split and sell firewood from the trees they fell. Tree care businesses can also cut your felled trees into manageable sizes or chip the wood for landscaping mulch. Costs for wood removal, on-site wood-splitting and wood chipping are extra charges that are generally not included in the price to bring down a landscape tree.

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Buy a Christmas Tree Decoration Service
